Rick Neel: DTD at MC #1

Monday, September 11, 2006

Hello everyone,
My name is Rick Neel and I am a MC Delt from 1973 (undergrads, go look me up on the composites! :-) )

This is the first of a series of emails about DTD at MC. I am aware that several of the addresses that I have are no longer current and that I don't have a lot of the brothers email addresses. You can help me make sure that everyone is getting these emails by sending me any addresses that I don't have, and giving me any corrections that you know of. (You can also see to it that you don't get any in the future by emailing me and letting me know that you would like to be taken off of the list. :-( )

I ask a few of things from you at this point;
1) If the name that I have you listed by isn't the one that most of the brothers from your era know you by, let me know and I will correct it.
2) If there are names of brothers listed that you know, and have thought about, drop them a line and say "Hi" odds are, they are thinking of you also. And finally,
3) Last year, at Fergies 30 year celebration, I spoke to the Alumni chairman about the newsletters. His comment, and I have to admit it made sense, was that it is hard to do an alumni newsletter when the alums don't give any news. So any news that you have that you would like to share with your brothers, send it in. Here is a name and address; Jordan Herrick (chapter president), **removed** And Jordan, I challenge you to make sure that any news you get, gets passed along! We have homecoming coming up near the end of October, and I would like to ask everyone to come to Marietta to celebrate (believe it or not, the football team is doing pretty well). But if you can't, send a reply to me (let me know if you appreciate the effort) with some news and I will take it to Marietta myself. Any of you that are going to be there I'll see you then. Feedback is very much welcome....Rick


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