Call for Nominations

Thursday, January 04, 2007

In order to have a successful 40th anniversary celebration and to get the undergraduates into a better housing situation, we need some organization, and the help of brothers suited to fill spots on some newly created committees. The committees give us the needed organization (I think) and I'll take volunteers or nominations for these committees:

40th Anniversary Committee: Broadly responsible for making sure that everything is in order for a great Homecoming Weekend in 2008. Will work closely with the undergrads.

House Plans Committee: Will determine the specifics for a new shelter, working with the colege and the chapter to see what the wants and needs are, and with architects, House Corp.. and MC to see what is feasible. Obtaining blueprints for a new building is the overall goal.

Alumni Relations: Committee members will need to be the communicators among our alumni base, providing as well as receiving information from brothers regarding the Anniversary, Shelter, or anything else that may be relevant to any or all of us.

Capital Campaign: The title says it all. If possible, I would like for us to do this on our own, and have people experienced with this help out. Eric Gustafson and I have discussed this in detail, and he agreed to chair the committee. There are sources of funding outside our own alums, if we have people that know something about how to get it.

College Relations: This group will work with Marietta College to come up with an agreement about the direction of the project, work out any legal issues involved, communicate MC's concerns to alums and our concerns to them. The Chapter President and House Corp. officers fill this role now, but I would like to have someone (or more) involved so that at no time are we not in communication about this project.

I nominate Rick Neel and Sean Selby for the Alumni Relations Committee, considering they have been doing the job well enough on an informal basis. Matt Dole, you are on the 40th Anniversary Committee. No nomination, just an appointment. Thanks for accepting. I have a few others in mind. Don't be surprised to hear from me if you don't volunteer.

Post here or hit me up on a private line with any suggestions, criticisms, encouragement, or questions. Just remember, I'm Chemist not an Executive!

Fraternal Regards,

Jon "Hartsy" Hartshorn, '89
President, House Corporation


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